(the) Essence flower is cured and BHO-extracted from single strain runs, into full-spectrum, high-terpene and uniquely flavorful resin vapes. It’s (the) Essence of a select strain expressed in the convenience of a cartridge or disposable pen.
Discount will apply in the cart if all promo conditions are met
B1G1 for $0.01 (the) Essence 0.9g Vapes
Mon/Tue/Sat, till February 28
Buy One Get One deals apply only to products of the same category, product type, and unit size. For example, purchasing a 1g item qualifies you for a free 1g item of the same category and product type. Offer valid while supplies last. Terms and conditions apply. This promo is available on select days thru December 2024
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Get Your Nevada Medical Marijuana Card
Are you ready to apply for a medical marijuana card in Nevada? Do you need more information on qualifying conditions, purchase limits, and fees? We are here to help.
Follow the link to request assistance applying for your card, renew, and more.
Are you 21 or older?
Please confirm you are 21+ years old or a valid medical marijuana patient.